City of Ideas

Tools For Curiousity

Bringing Website to Life

I love making web apps that look great on any device. But there's more! I want to make them feel alive. as you scroll and interact. This interaction isn't just for show; it's about engaging you, the user. It makes you curious, encourages you to dive deeper, and explore what the website has to offer. The idea is to create a sense of wonder, making you eager to see what's next. I find myself obsessed with the challenge of turning passive browsing into an intriguing journey.
City of Ideas

Translating Ideas Into Reality

Navigating the Creative Process

Reflecting on my career as a professional architect, I find a deep-seated passion that I am eager to transfer into the realm of software engineering. At their core, both disciplines share striking similarities: they involve the intricate weaving of design, technology, and client expectations into a harmonious entity. This process demands meticulous planning and a delicate balance, skills I've honed over years and am excited to apply in a new context.
Spoiler alert: While effective communication is crucial for transforming ideas into tangible outcomes, my experience has taught me that the most powerful tool at our disposal is often a simple drawing. I've come to believe that it's only when all parties involved can visually perceive the concept being discussed that a unanimous agreement can truly be reached.
City of Ideas

A Love for Geometry

How Simple Lines Convey Complex Meanings

My fascination with the expressive power of simple shapes has been a driving force in my creative journey. From an early age, I was captivated by how comics and mangas could convey profound emotions with just a few lines—often more effectively than many actors. This insight into visual communication has shaped my belief in the importance of distilling complex ideas into understandable elements. This principle is crucial in both software development and architectural design, where breaking down intricate concepts into manageable parts is essential for clarity and understanding.
From the geometric drawings that filled my school and university days, I find joy in the fact that they continue to be a part of my everyday life as a software engineer. The precision and creativity I practiced then still find their place in my current work, bridging my past with my present in the most harmonious way.
Photo of me!

Hi! 👋

...about me...

From Architecture to Coding

My Career

I'm an Austrian architect turned landscape architect, now flourishing as a software engineer. My journey may seem unconventional, but it's a path I've navigated with a clear vision. I champion the notion that the world benefits from both specialists and generalists alike—the latter having the unique ability to connect the dots across diverse fields by viewing challenges from a broader perspective.

Embracing a Holistic Approach

with Positivity and Determination

My approach to work, and life in general, is marked by calm focus and determination. I consistently seek out the silver lining in every project I undertake, aiming to highlight and nurture the positives. This philosophy guides me as I navigate through the complexities of my multifaceted career, always with an eye toward creating harmony and understanding in the spaces between.

🚧 Up next:

more Next.js, CMS and D3

With Heart & Square I want to gather my thoughts on programming, architecture and illustration in a blog. Everything is still work in progress but if you are interested in my current projects check out my Github or LinkedIn accounts: